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三相四线 有功电度表 Three-phase four-wire active watt-hour meter | ||||||
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XKM/DFY1型三相四线联合接线盒一只三相四线有功电度表和三只流变联合接线图三相四线有功电度表 Three-phase four-wire active watt-hour meter Combined wiring diagram of XKM/DFY1 type threephase four-wire terminal block with three-phase fourwire active watt-hour meter and three rheometers | ||||||
一、产品概述 Genera | ||||||
XKM/DFY1、2型电能计量联合接线盒是电能计量装置标准接线中的专用接线盒,也适用于额定电压至660伏,额定电流至20安的二次回路中,作在带负荷情况下安全调换或现场检验电能表、电气仪表、继电保护等电气设备之用,确保了人身操作安全,提高了现场工作效率。 现应大量用户的要求,我公司完成了改进设计,并采用了美国进口的高分子聚碳酸酯新材料注制,具有抗冲击强度高、抗老化、不吸水、能阻燃、耐高温等诸多优点,色泽鲜艳,外形美观,产品性能进一步提高。从根本上解决了原胶木产品脆性易碎裂、吸水起霉点, 造成CT二次泄漏大,PT二次易击穿的缺点,盒内各回路中设有测试孔,极大地方便了检查和测试,该接线盒为更新换代产品。该接线盒为更新换代产品。 各项技术指标均符合国家标准要求。试用单位反映,采用该新产品后,有效地防止了电能的漏计,是电能计量工作者的好帮手。对杜绝电能计量事故的发生,起到了积极作用。 | ||||||
XKM/DFY1, 2 type energy measuring terminal blocks are special terminal blocks applied for standard wiring in energy measuring equipments. They are also suitable for secondary circuit of rated voltage up to 660V and rated current up to 20A. They are used to change or inspect the electric equipments such as energy meter, electric instrument and relaying equipment under on-load circumstance. They can guarantee operation safety and improve fieldwork efficiency. In order to satisfy customers’ demand, our company improves the design and adopts America-imported high-molecular polycarbonate material It has advantages of high impact resistance, ageing resistance, anti water-absorption, flame retardant, high temperature resistance. It not only has bright and elegant appearance, but also excellent product performance. It solves former products problems such as fragile, easy mildew stain grow, or heavy CT secondary leakage, easy PT secondary breakdown, etc.. This kind of terminal block is an ideal successor of the older generation. The technical parameter of this product is in conformity with international standards. Feedback from users shows that new type of this terminal block is capable of preventing missing elect r ic energy measurement . It is helpful for energy measuring work, and can put an end to energy measuring a c c i d e n t e f f e c t i v e l y. | ||||||
二、主要技术指标 Main technical parameter | ||||||
1、额定绝缘电压Rated insulation voltage:660V、50Hz/60Hz 2、额定电流Rated current:5A(20A) 3、工频耐压Power frequency withstanding voltage:3000V/min 4、绝缘电阻Insulation resistance:>30MΩ 5、环境温度Ambient temperature:一40℃~+60℃ | ||||||
三、产品名称/型号/订货号 Product name/model/order number | ||||||||||||
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一、产品概述 Genera |
XKM/DFY1、2系列电能计量联合接线盒是电能计量装置中的专用试验接线盒,适用于额定电压660V,额定电流5~20A 的二次回路中,作为在带负荷情况下安全调换或现场校验电能表、电气指示 仪表、继电保护等电气设备之用。确保操作时的人身安全,提高现场工作效率。 二十多年来,本公司依靠电力行业专家工程师的支持和自己不断开拓创新的精神,对传统接线盒进行了较大的改进。现将其特点简单介绍如下: 1. 该接线盒的绝缘外壳是采用高级玻璃钢纤维绝缘材料经热高温高压压制而成,具有耐高温、高压、不易碎裂、防霉变、外形美观大方等许多优点,特别适用于沿海地区及高温场所。目前市场上采用的大部分多是塑料和胶木型:塑料型具有不耐高温的缺点,由于铜导线具 有柔软的特性,即使导线压紧后经过一段时间的使用仍会产生松动现象,造成接线盒发热而损坏接线盒体。胶木型具有不耐潮湿易吸水霉变漏电、强度差、易碎裂的缺点。 2. 透明盒采用带防误接操作功能。其优点是:防止供电部们现场校验人员校验结束后因疏忽大意而没有将连接片复位使盒盖盖不上去,提醒工作人员检查复位,从而在硬件设施上给予保障,杜绝因疏忽大意而使计量造成错计、漏计。 3. 针对某些用电企业偷电现象时有发生,我公司特设计了二用全封闭透明罩壳,既可以单独卸下不用也可以配合使用。起到防止从接线盒处偷窃电可能性发生的保护。同时透明盖方便现场检查人员检查线路。 4. 本公司现已开发了整体防窃电防误操作型三相四线及三相三线接线盒来替代传统DFY系列接线盒,具有防窃电、防误操作、易于现场检测现已全面推广上市。 |
XKM/DFY1 and 2 series energy-measuring combined terminal block boxes are special test terminal boxes among the energy-measuring devices, are suitable for secondary circuits of rated voltage of 660V and rated current of 5~20A, used for safety changing with loads or inspecting such electric equipment as watt-hour meter, electric indicating meter and relaying protection device on site, guaranteeing personal safety and improvement of fieldwork efficiency. In the past two decades, our company has made great improvement to traditional terminal block box depending on the expert engineers of electric power industry as well as our pioneering and inn- ovative spirit. Major characteristics of our products as follows: 1. The insulating shell of terminal box is made of top grade glass reinforced plastics insulating mat- erials by means of high-temperature high-pressure pressing, has advantages of high-temperature and high-pressure resistance, not easy to break, mildew resistance, elegant appearance, etc, esp- ecially suitable for coastal areas and high-temperature locations. Most on the market today are of plastic and bakelite type: plastic type has the shortcoming of could not withstand high temperature, the copper conductor would become loose after a period of use even after being firmly pressed due to its flexible characteristic, it would lead to heating of ter-minal box and the box body would be damaged. Bakelite type has shortcomings of poor strength, fragile, mildewing and easily being affected by damp. 2. The transparent box has function of anti wrong-wiring or misoperation, it has advantages of prev- enting failure of resetting the cover, as the connecting sheet has not been reset due to negligence of the field inspector of power supply department after inspection, reminding the worker to check the resetting condition, providing guarantee of hardware facilities, putting an end to wrong metering or leaked metering due to negligence. 3. Aiming at the electricity theft phenomenon in some enterprises, our company designed the two- purpose full-closed transparent shell that can either be removed or remained, preventing from possible theft from the terminal box. Meanwhile, the transparent shell is convenient for inspectors to check the circuitries. 4. Our company has developed the integral anti-electricity-theft anti-misoperation type three-phase four-wire and three-phase three-wire terminal block boxes to take the place of traditional DFY series terminal box, they have functions of electricity-theft prevention, anti-misoperation, convenient for field detection, the products now have been fully popularized and launched onto the market. |
二、主要技术指标 Main technical parameter |
1、额定绝缘电压Rated insulation voltage:660V、50Hz/60Hz 2、额定电流Rated current:5A(20A) 3、工频耐压Power frequency withstanding voltage:2500V/min 4、绝缘电阻Insulation resistance:>30MΩ 5、环境温度Ambient temperature:一40℃~100℃ |
三、产品名称/型号/订货号 Product name/model/order number | |||||||||||
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